Working With Wood Now

Now that the foundation has been allowed time to cure, they have backfilled and are starting to build the actual house. Yesterday they put in the three i-beams that will support the floor and started laying out the engineered lumber floor joists. Below are pictures of what was done yesterday afternoon. In the first picture, you see what will be the garage and some of the joists sitting there. The second picture is looking down into the basement (the basement floor won't be poured for a while) and shows a few of the joists laid out. The last one shows how things look from what will be the end of the driveway.

Today they finished putting the joists in place and put down the sub-floor. After that was done, they started framing out several of the walls. When I last went by the house, there were still people working so I didn't take pictures but, I hope to have some tomorrow.

-- Josh